30 years Man and Boy.
Posted on: 10-08-2018
30 years Man and Boy.
This year Andrew celebrates 30 Years at Dunhams.
In this modern era of professional working life, being able to spend that amount of time successfully working at one company is a very rare achievement. With the pace of change and modernisation increasing, this has become an achievement worth noting.
Andrew started his accountancy career in the dizzying times of the early 80s. Yes that long ago, for most of you reading this the early 80s was some time after the dinosaur’s died out, and new romantics evolved in to a new wave Mod with a scooter. There are some photos around to prove it but we need to spare his blushes.
This long and distinguished career start out as a junior member of the team, learning the basics of auditing and accounts management. Andrew joined the Company formally named Thomas F Dunham and Son, back in May 1988. During this time he worked hard during the day and studied during the evening to gain his professional qualifications.
Mr Andrew Edwards ACA FCCA
ICAEW Chartered Accountant
Giving the Practice the Depth of Knowledge to compete in this ever changing financial environment.
Andrew has probably done every job within practice and has developed the knack of understanding business and identifying where client’s strengths and weaknesses are. Andrew is a very hands-on, approachable individual who truly understands business, and is an asset to any client.
Now as a Partner, “Andrew mainly controls the accounts preparation and audits of the practice ensuring that regulatory demands are met, and unnecessary fines and penalties are avoided. He also works hard to identify new funding, and works closely with banks and finance houses to ensure that all clients are getting the best possible support”.
Facing the Future.
This level of good accounting, approachable and personable manner, helps make Andrew an excellent Team leader. Assisting clients and staff to navigate the challenges modern companies face in these times of growth.
The Company’s mantra “Your Business, Your Finances, Your Future”, is well expressed in his professional experiences and reflects his approach to a customer first point of view, “helping you to address your life work balance”.
30 years man and boy, we look forward to his continuing success and watch admirably as he moves into his future and gain from his friendship, wealth of knowledge and experience’s.
Good Luck Andrew.